Struggle was rather the name of the game today. Stacks of bait around, everywhere. And therein lays the problem perhaps. When less food is available, the bass are shoaling more, or minimum, are attracted to areas by whatever food source is available. At the moment, they dont really have to go anywhere. Pretty much just open their mouths to the tide, and at some point, a stack of whitebait, anchovy or sand eel will be driven into it by hordes of mackerel. Which leads to rather scattered bass.
First sailing, and I was joined by my good friend John, who bought along fly buddy Colin, and Mose, who was rather hopeful of some cuttle fun. Sadly though, both bass and cuttle were playing hard ball. It would seem the cuttle fishing fairly mirrors the squid fishing, in so much as long settled spells see numbers increase significantly. Since the last storm, really not many at all. And for all our efforts, just four bass landed, with only two for the table.

Second sailing, and the easterly wind really took effect. We smashed our way out, and endured ever increasing swells the whole session. Mathieu was on board. and his main mission was a bass to make bass tartare for his wife. But the fishing was hard. Stacks of everything, except bass. Feathers soon made sure he was at least cooking something for his wife, with fat mackerel being very obliging. but bass were not having it.
Finally, a good table fish fell to my rod, so at least his wife would be having bass for tea, and we found an area that had a few fish on it, to struggle up to four fish for the session. But really hard going, especially keeping in touch with the lure in the big swell. And bouncing all the way back, I had no choice but to cancel the third sailing. Looks ok tomorrow, but Thursday and through the weekend, looking likely to be no sails. Once more, anyone booked in, perhaps needs to consider a plan B.
