Penultimate day of August, and finally firm signs of change. Remaining in the grip of stiff Northerlies first sailing was scrapped by mutual consent. But 2nd and 3rd remained. First off, Mark, Mitch, Mo, all returnees, and James, new to BIF1 courtesy of his wife's most excellent choice of a birthday gift.

The day previously Mitch had not fished so well. He clearly had taken himself off for a damned good talking to after leaving BIF1, as today, he out fished everybody, including that man Mark and myself, by a country mile. Another example of how no two days are the same. And one of several interesting developments.

Bass were happening, not fast and furious, and the first shoal we found rattled easily, after just four or five fish. But happily, using the strong Northerly to our advantage, we found a nice drift complete with fish. But not just bass. I called cod the second I felt the first lunge. The others all laughed at me, thinking, as it most often is, my tongue was again sitting in my cheek. But it wasn't on this occasion. A lovely codling, the first I hope of many, of course surfaced, and allowed me to scoop it in the net.

The first one of the season for BIF1 (although bait scored today for one of the big boats - GREY VIKING had one around 8lb) but I hope many more.will follow. First one of the season, I opted to return it, hoping Neptune might smile upon me for the act. I regretted it later, as I nearly picked up the nets being laid just outside the marina. The timing of the netting of this area often coincides with the arrival of the cod, although Im not 100 percent sure. Big sole also show along that line.
Final tally for the bass was 15. No beasts, but some quality fish killed for the table. Smalls also showed. Mackerel and gurnard bycatch. Not so shabby a session. Breakfast, and then Mark and Mitch returned to BIF1 with me, to be joined by James and Ian, both regulars.

Initially the fishing was a bit tough. The gulley we had been doing well on previously, was now devoid. So, where had the fish gone. We tried here and there, but just 4 fish found. Happily, with the tide starting to ebb, we settled on another drift which, although not fast with takes, did give something each drift. Bass, wrasse, mackerel and gurnard all fell. Suddenly, Mitch's rod was making moves I couldnt identify. And I can usually call whats on the end of the hook from this. No surprise why. We dont hook so many john dory inshore...
Final tally was ten bass, with everyone who wanted bass taking bass up the road. A very enjoyable session. Challenging, but rewarding ultimately. And a JD for good measure. I type this, tired, but smiling. And hoping to get similar rewards, with a full three sailings tomorrow.