First sailing I think I will describe as interesting. Certainly I could come up with many descriptive words to describe those 2.5 hours (clients were late. Lateness is the only situation where you cant have your full 3 hours of fishing, with my policy of starting the clock only when all are fishing) but I will stick with interesting. Joining me were Rashi, Mallu, Roshan and Raul. It turns out Rashi is one of those youtube superstars. His best video attracted 3.2 million views to date, and he briefly went live, whilst out there, with 12k viewers hitting the stream instantly. Quite daunting when he thrusts the phone to my face and asks if I want to say anything. What I wanted to say is "there would be fifty fish on deck, but for the fact these guys don't listen, don't concentrate and don't particularly seem bothered about listening or focusing". The only two things I expect of clients on my boat.
Not that it wasnt a lot of fun, because it was. And I am a huge fan of fun. But an opportunity to shine to 3.2 million viewers, turned into a parody, with each playing a part. And none of it was about fishing. Not that the guys were anglers. The vlog on youtube is all about travelling the world, and which destinations to visit, and which attractions. And it wasn't completely without fish. Neptune did at least allow 6 schoolies to experience my pain and frustration. Lessons learned. Had I realised that it was to be a comedy outing, I would much rather have passed the work off to a more suitable operation.
To make me feel better, a boat of regulars 2nd sailing. Well trained, and in good spirits despite the troublesome wind, Paul. Luc and David, gelled really well together. Banter was back to fishing related. And things became more normal. Except sadly, this sailing I didnt see the numbers of fish that I had marked earlier. We did manage a fish each for the table as well, from the total of ten bass. But Paul got fish of the day, and cover picture. I had been wondering if those reef pollack had left us, as I did not see any yesterday. Paul answered my question, and they are getting bigger. 3rd sailing cancelled due to forecast wind. Which didnt come. Indeed, as I type, wind is calm. Not at all annoying.