First sailing, complete with a stiff NE wind, and all regulars. Max, Richard and Gary back for some more. And again, although expecting the wind to be a bit of a problem, apart from making it a) cold and b) be needing to be very focused, the fish certainly didn't care. It did once again limit us to certain areas, close inshore, but with slightly more N than yesterday morning, it was a bigger range. And the wind not so strong to ruin takes and their detection.

Mixed sizes, but plenty over the 42cm limit. And all bronzed and beautiful. All in amazing shape as well, after months of huge bait shoals, now happily smaller and more fractured. Well, at the moment. They might yet link up again, but the shoals of super fat mackerel currently thick on the ground inshore, suggest that one hell of a lot have done what nature intended for them. Got themselves eaten. And this does show, as now, after months of being ignored, now, when we mark bass, we get takes again. Twenty five was the final tally for the guys.

2nd sailing, and it began as a bit of a struggle. Of course it would, as we had a young lad on board, and neptune thought it might be fun to try me. Half way through the sailing, and the sum total for Peter (regular) Matt (soon to be regular) and Paul and his son George (already returning) was just two bass. Although, to be fair, one was a good one for Peter, and one was Georges first bass, which is of course, a momentous thing for any soon to be obsessed bass angler. So, to ensure bending rods, we hit the plaice.

They were fairly having it, but also the very fat mackerel were running deep, and double shots of a mackerel on the metal and a plaice on the worm were common events. Smaller plaice than yesterday, with just two making it to the table, but plenty feeding, and as always, plenty more dropped.

With just half an hour left of the session, we all agreed to try once more on the bass. And I am glad we did, as we managed to bump the total up to eight, with quality fish among them. A real salvage, but even without it, I think the plaice fishing at least had everybody smiling.

Final sailing, and like a different day. Predominantly light N winds, opened up all the inshore, and we went hunting better fish. On board, Matt remained, and was joined by many timer both shore and boat, Phil. Having not been everywhere for ages, we took a quick snapshot cruise, before settling in on the best prospect. Nine bass gave themselves up, and all bar perhaps two were over the 42cm. Plus mackerel and gurnards. Not the fastest of fishing, but when it is quality fish, it really becomes irrelevant. A screaming reel is worth waiting for. All in all, for another mostly stiff windy day, it turned out nice in the end.
