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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 24th August 2021

Writer: Robin HowardRobin Howard

I'm starting to become a bit soft. So many times I have let clients talk me into sailing, when I know conditions will be either unsafe or not worthwhile. The unsafe sessions, are always resolved at the mouth of the marina. A bit of a "you didn't believe me, so here it is" situation. Turn around, re-dock... The not worthwhile sessions, are fished, and there is no surprise when results are poor. But today, was different.

Forecast was a stiff ENE wind, with very strong gusts. We have tried various approaches to this wind, and it usually results in one thing. Hiding very tight on the west side of Brighton Marina. And today, well, certainly during the strong flood, which was creating a nasty chop east side, it seemed the only viable option for lure control.

I think my heart wouldn't have been in it, but for that man Mark, the main contender in talking me into sailing. He has had more trips than many cancelled these last three weeks of wind. But he lifted the day by catching a quality fish on the first drift. I always feel quite claustrophobic when limited by the weather, as hunting fish is my general approach. But with these conditions, I determined to do a good job of covering what was available.

And it rather payed off. Which is good, as it quite likely is going to be the modus operandus for a lot of this week. Wind remains resolutely between ENE and NE for the whole week. Also on board, more victims of wind time and time again, Edvar and Mitch, both happy to go with the flow. So, we covered all of the long reef, visited the close reef, and bumped across the sand. And everywhere we found something.

Lots of super fat mackerel around in close, which are actually quite welcome when conditions are tough. And of course, more bass. Including more crackers. But also, as we did the sand drifts, only Edvar continued the bass hunt, while Mark, Mitch and myself had some quite excellent fun with plaice, Twenty landed, at least as many dropped.

Tide eased back on the flood, which reduced the swell and opened up the options. A quick jaunt, and a few more quality bass, bringing the final tally to nine. With all the plaice, and the mackerel , that actually equated to an action packed three hours fishing. And with winds not forecast to be quite as strong for the rest of the week, one I intend to repeat.



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