This summer really is becoming something special. And August, the absolute highlight. The month that just keeps giving. Wind. So I was quite excited to see a day where it seemed we might sail all three sailings, for the first time in what seems like an age. Mainly because, it has been an age. And worse, the wind is exclusively pinning itself to the coast. Just a mile inland, windy shows blue on many of the days that BIF1 remains on her dock, because the sea says no.
On board for first sailing, regulars Bill and Max, and becoming regular Lawrence who bought his lad George along to see what it was all about. And what it was all about as we exited the marina, was a huge swell. However, it was due to drop away according to the swell charts, and with no actual wind whatsoever, I decided to push out, although it was a case of really driving the boat. No chance to just push the lever forward and sit back for the ride. I must admit I do actually quite enjoy these conditions, other than the constant awareness that getting it wrong could literally cost lives.

I managed to get out to a bit of rock offshore a little, and happily the fish were there, as tearing around hunting was clearly going to be limited. Lawrence's main objective was to make sure George caught a fish, which he did quite quickly, his first bass. And then, it was down to the grind. We fished for two hours to find 9 bass, and a few mackerel, when I floated the idea, as the tide eased back and the bites got harder to find, to try for a coddie.
which everyone jumped at. But sadly, just another bass to take us to number ten, and a cuttlefish which pleased Bill greatly as he is a big "choco" fan. And with the swell not really abating, but a bigger breeze forecast, I also cancelled the following two sailings, as we smashed our way back in.