A truly wonderful day. Not so much for the fishing, although that was not terrible. But for a wonderful mix of my job. It all started with a 2 hour dawn venture with 2 ashore. Just one bass landed, one bass lost, one big wrasse landed, one big wrasse lost. A lot less bait moving and fish stayed 100 yards further than we could cast.
Next up, Plaice on lures on the amazing Kraken. Plaice on lures trips are always heavily subscribed on BIF1, so it made sense with this being THE time to catch them before they head off to spawn, that we use the large KRAKEN that we can take more clients. And hopefully there will be more before the end of this month as it was A LOT OF FUN!!
Numbers wise, 29 plaice landed, with majority plump, perfect table fish. No 2lb plus creatures, but they are somewhere and we will be looking. But lots of very happy anglers, and more strings to skipper Greg's already bulging bow. If you would like to join more KRAKEN CHARTERS fun, send YOUR FULL NAME and the word KRAKEN to Greg, on 07711 231804
Next job, a bass trip. Taking Giles, John, Peter and Malley out for bass. Last two hours of ebb were hard going. Gurnard, a small bass, but nothing much. But as soon as the tide turned, so did our fortunes, with four more bass landed. Three for the table. Only the dying daylight halted our fun as we had to leave feeding fish to comply with the terms of my licence. Frustrating.
And once I finish typing this, three hours of squidding from the shingle. A lovely way to end the day. I had 28 last night with a client. 2 rods and even better conditions tonight. Will we see 60...? Possible for sure. If you would like to be added to the group where squid sessions are arranged, message YOUR FULL NAME and the word SQUID to 07970 112774