The wind came. Usual story. Jet stream now prefers to summer south of the British isles, taking with it the high pressure systems we seem to think we used to get. Instead, we remain in arctic airs, with temperatures well below normal. Whatever normal is.

This tends to involve sweeping SW gales battering us far more often than summers prior to 2022. Annoying? Well, yes. But I must admit, I have very much enjoyed returning to my shore guiding roots, a tactical business decision I made this year. I refuse to be bankrupted by wind. Today's sailing, almost felt intrusive.

All regulars, all well trained. Dex, Lee, Mark and Jon. Fishes were on every location so I went age shopping. Finding the oldest shoals on the patch is a luxury we simply were not allowed during may rot. Now the waters are clear, we have a lot more going our way. It took four throws of the dice, but eventually I found the fish I was happiest with. Not where I expected to find them either. But find them I did.

Final tally was twenty five fish landed. Maximum kill. Biggest fish just shy of 5lb. Lots of fun, lots of missed takes. A monster that detached itself before we could see what it was. Lots of cuttle fish being stupid also. A really fun session. Looking forward to the morning sailing already.

If you are interested in guided shore fishing for bass, on lure, bait and fly, simply text YOUR NAME and the word SHORE to 07970 112774
