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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 22nd November 2018 - C.A.T. 57

Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Without really knowing what to expect, and after my last sailing being a complete blank, and with a stiff easterly wind forecast that always puts a rolling swell on beyond a mile out, I cancelled clients, and instead invited a couple of friends to be guinea pigs and help me get my confidence back, that I can provide paying clients with a service. So, with that in mind John and Steve (Proteus skipper - Brigand charters - having a busmans holiday...) were with me as we slipped out into exactly as expected swelly seas.

I went to a cod spot first, but the wind / tide combination was not ideal. Pushed through a little quickly, the frolic did nail a jumbo mackerel, and the herring feathers John was working managed a tiny one as well. A few more drifts to confirm there wasnt much happening, and I took BIF1 further west.

Next spot, not good for anything. Next next spot, we sat on for the next two hours. Bass were there, in good numbers. Nothing huge, biggest perhaps 4lb, but good reliable and enjoyable bass fishing. Then, cold fingers and a cold doggie (Steve's spanish water dog Cisco was with us) meant time to return. Happy for the fact we still have bass to play with inshore, I do have two spaces for a proposed sailing tomorrow (Friday) at 1200 (calling that one at 0830 though as forecast is borderline for BIF1) and further spaces on Sunday. 07970 112774 to get on board.


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