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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 27th September 2018 - CAT 29

Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Fish of the day for Mackie

Very quick blog entry today, as I have real boy plans this afternoon. Just 2 sailings, as Bruce has the boat for last sailing to entertain his lad Leo. First sailing, regulars Mackie, and father and son David and James on board. Half the sailing, we hit lots of small bass, up to the 2lb mark, for some pure fun. The other half, we went on a cod hunt. Nothing way down west, but closer to home we managed one on the way back in for turnaround. Mackie caught it, a 5lb fish, and very kindly donated it to David and James.

2nd sailing, Mackie, Mark and Damo, and James (all frequent flyers - and three James's in two sailings as Mackie is also a James!!) were aboard. A lot more of a struggle. We mostly focused on cod, but on the mark where most of the fish have been found, was an anchored vessel. This mark is just scrubby ground, no big rocks for fish to feel secure in, and I suspect the anchor warp may have been enough to prevent the fish from remaining. Whatever the reason, no fishes wanted to play. I then hit the panic button and we went further west bassing, with some success. Best around 3lb. Mackerel again a problem with huge shoals everywhere, hitting everything. And that was today!!

Some spaces on much improved forecast for Saturday and Sunday. 07970 112774 to get on board.

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