Frequent Flyer Ian with the best fish of the day...
Although the stiff NW winds have kept us shore bound this past week, the good news is that they do not colour the deeper rock marks so much (although the swells do create colour in the edges). So, I was happy with todays plan. From now until the end of January, its all about metals, and vertical jigging. And the HTO Frolic has become a very essential part of the approach.
Stacks of great tasting pouting for foodies out there...
So off to the rocks. Brisk N breeze made for a flat sea, but beginning on the end of the flood, the wind had strong effect. It somehow worked in our favour though, because on that drift we found 8 bass. All smalls. I missed the same line 2nd drift. Its quite difficult to mirror a line as the tide slackens back but the wind remains constant. Some quality pouting got the string pulled.
Always thought of Gurnard as a summer fish... but starting to wonder...
Next drift, pouting and another two bass, including a much better fish of perhaps a little of 4lb. Sadly, that was the last of the bass for the day. Try as I did, running around a variety of marks, it was tough to find any "fishy" focus. Much less bait than I would have expected. A lot of the rock was pretty barren. I had to keep popping back to the pouting spot to remind my guys, frequent flyers James and Ian, and new client Guy, what a bite was like. However, I guess we ended up with fifty fish on the day. A couple of good gurnard came on one drift. And BIF1's very first whiting on a lure, although that is likely to become a daily occurrence soon.
Sold out tomorrow. Some experimental stuff on "Proteus" on Monday, but sailing Tuesday with 3 rods available. six hour session. Likely back to back. Great forecast. 07970 112774 to get on board.